If the top card of the discard pile is successfully melded, the player gets all the other cards in the discard pile. A player is allowed to draw from the discard pile if the top card is used to create a meld, or can be added to an existing meld. If a player is dealt a red 3, or if a red three is ever drawn, it is immediately played on the table, and a card is drawn to replace it. The player left of the dealer is first to play. These wildcards can be added to any meld, but a meld can never have more wildcards than cards of the actual number. A meld has to have at least three cards to be started. Points are scored by melding cards of the same rank together as a team. The objective of the game is to be the first team to score 5000 points. The top card of the remaining deck is flipped up. Two card decks including jokers Four players pen and paper for scorekeeping DealĮach player is dealt 11 cards, one at a time.